Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just an Update

Well, I've been increasing my dosage every 10-12 days. I've noticed my neck, in my thyroid area, seems to be less swollen.

Other than that I'm exhausted...I suspect that has to do with the crazy busy schedule I'm keeping. I'm having a hard time getting to bed on time and then a hard time getting up. I've been eating very poorly and not drinking my water since Monday, so I'm sure that has something to do with it too.

I work till 2pm today. Then I have a job interview today, trunk or treat at church and I need to bake 2 dozen cupcakes for Carissa's class party tomorrow. After 3pm tomorrow things slow down a little bit. Thank goodness. So my plan is to get back to eating more healthy and drinking my water and lifting weights on Saturday. I think with the dosage I'm on, I should start seeing a difference soon.

Okay...of to make some study cards for my interview. :)

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