Saturday, October 4, 2008


I'm down a whopping 7 pounds since Monday. WHOA!!!!

I'm so very proud of myself and the will power I've shown the last handful of days! Tuesday I had a cookie. Wednesday and Thursday didn't stray from the detox program. Friday gave in and had some very cherished apple cobbler ala mode. Went to pack meeting on Friday evening and they served chocolate cake and kit kats...and I obstained! Then today I went to a birthday party and obstained from MORE chocolate cake. YAY ME!!!

I baked my heart out today...3 loaves of pumpkin bread and 4+ dozen cookies...and all I had was a cookie! YAY ME!

Anyhow, I'm exhausted with all I've done today...but I had energy to get it all done without stopping, so that's a step in the right direction!!

Okay...I'm off to goof off. :)

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