Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well, as of today I am up to 150 mcg of synthroid daily. I've been taking my temperature in the mornings and I'm up to 97.5 as my average. That's a far cry from the 96.7s I was seeing before I started seeing this doctor. I'm getting closer to the goal of 97.8 to 98.0 and I'm so grateful. I am starting to feel a little better. I have a bit more energy and I'm sleeping a little more soundly.

I've not had any weight loss, despite my best efforts...but I'm sure it will come in time. I hope by Christmas I'll be up to the right temperature and feeling better than I have in a long time. Of course, I'll not feel my best until I get the extra weight off. That probably slows me down a bit.

1 comment:

Bill and Amy said...

we are all behind you Del. I know you will achieve sucess.