Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Halloween! Vitamin Therapy...

Well, today is the day...I have done a lot of research since Monday about how to boost my immune system to help with the Hashimoto's and then also how to help support my ailing thyroid as well. Vitamin Therapy here I come!

What I should be taking is a whole lot more than I've been getting!

Now, I don't have all of this down yet...but I'm making headway. I checked my multivitamin and it looks like if I take 2 daily I'll get a good start, but on some things what's in the vitamin is a drop in the bucket compared to what's recommended by thyroid and autoimmune experts.

To add to two multivitamins a day, I bought this morning:
300 mg St. John's Wort
Acidophilus Pearls
Vitamin E and Selenium together. (E 400 IU Selenium 200 mcg)
Selenium 200 mcg
Omega 3 Fish Oil (300 mg of Omega 3 and 1000 mg of fish oil concentrate)
Citracal Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D (D 500IU and Calcium 400 mg) Has to be taken at least 4 hours separate from thyroid replacement since calcium interferes with absorption.

I'm still lacking on a few I'm going to do a side by side comparison in a spreadsheet and see what else I need to add. I'm hoping I start seeing a difference very very soon!!!

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