Thursday, October 2, 2008

Well, well, well......

Well beginning on Tuesday I started cutting crud out of my diet. Don't get me wrong I had a sugar cookie and some light pringles on Tuesday. Other than that, I've been eating so much better. And today? I'm back down by 4 pounds. Go figure.

Today, however, I am starting a 1 to 2 week detox. It's called Fat Flush Plan. It's going to be HARD...REALLY, REALLY HARD. Maybe the hardest thing I've ever done when it comes to how I eat. But in the end, it is what my immune system needs, so here I go.

I am up to over 20 supplement pills everyday. This morning I had two eggs with a cup of chopped spinach seasoned with cayenne. I drank one cup of hot water with lemon. And then another cup of water just to get the rest of the vitamins down. I felt a little queasy and full after. I think what I'll do from here on out is put all of them in a ziploc baggie and carry them with me. Then I can distribute them with my meals and snacks through out the day. Then I'm never taking more than 5 or 6 at a time. That should help a bit. The problem I have is that the calcium supplement has to be taken away from the T4 and the magnesium has to be taken away from the calcium and the T4. So my plan is to take the calcium in the morning. The magnesium around early at 2pm when I get off work. And the T4 at bed time since I won't eat after 8pm. That'll be two hours between eating and taking it. Hopefully that will help. :)

Okay...I'm off to get myself organized.

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