Thursday, October 2, 2008

Symptoms of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and where I fall

No symptoms lots.
Goiter-yup, my thyroid is twice the normal size.
Lump at front of neck-yup.
Protruding eyes-no
Low thyroid hormone level-yes
Mental slowness-yes, I can't find words that I know...I can't remember what I just read.
Physical slowness-yup
Slow pulse-no
Cold sensitivity-yes
Weight gain-yes
Coarse skin-yes, my skin has gotten scalier and scalier...I'm having to exfoliate a lot!
Dry skin-yes
Muscle weakness-yes
Brittle hair-yes
Constipation-not too much, but I eat a lot of fiber
Muscle cramps-yes, in my foot is the most frequent place
Increased menstrual flow-yes
Neck discomfort-some
Periodic paralysis-no
Musculoskeletal symptoms-yes
Rheumatoid arthritis-symptoms yes, but diagnosis unconfirmed
Hoarse voice-yes
Dry skin-yes
Pale skin-yes
Facial swelling-yes
Weight gain-yes
Muscle tenderness-yes
Muscle stiffness-yes
Joint pain-yes
Joint stiffness-yes

Can't wait till Monday!

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