Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nothing New

Well, I'm not sure I can tell much of a difference on 88 mcg. I take it until Friday and then I can go up to 100 mcg.

I'm still taking my vitamins...but have been adding carbs and junk back into my diet. I'm staying within a healthy calorie range though. I should lose 1.5 pounds per week eating the number of calories I am. And until the thyroid gets under control, that may mean I lose nothing. But at least I'll be ready when it is all within normal ranges.

My morning temperatures are still in the 97s. Once a week...usually on the day I sleep in I end up hitting in the 98 degree range. I can't wait until that's everyday!

I still wake up tired...and by the afternoon, early evening I'm exhausted. I'll be so thrilled when I can go a whole day and feel good...or wake up feeling rested and refreshed rather than exhausted and run down.

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