Thursday, January 22, 2009

Signs of significant improvement!

So...since Christmas I've lost 8 pounds. Course, I'd put on about that much in the 6 weeks previous...oh well. I feel pretty darn good most of the time. I've been working out 5-6 days a week for 4 weeks now and I'm starting to see improvement in my physique. I can feel strong muscles in my legs and arms and abs.

All in all, I'm excited to be feeling this much better. I wish I'd found a doctor like mine years ago.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Over due update...

Well, I've not done an update in a while.

I have good news and bad...bad news first: My insurance changed at the end of 2008 and my doctor doesn't accept it. That said, they'll take I'm paying out of pocket to see him. Luckily it will be maybe 3-4 times this year. So it won't be that bad.

The good news is that I'm now up to synthroid 175. I was on 150 for a couple months before I went to see him this week. I saw him on Monday and he was very pleased with my progress.

I had noticed myself that I get hot a lot more than I ever used to. I was always cold. I can also tell a noticeable difference in my neck. I had an obvious, but small, goiter at the base of my neck. It's virtually gone now...all that's left is the fat I need to lose. When he examined it, he said there is still some slight enlargement but with the increase to 175 and given a few months it should completely disappear. WOOHOO!!

I've worked out 10 of the last 14 days. It would have been more, but I was sick for two of the 4 I missed. The Wii fit is a God send for me. Now that we're all back to work it's a challenge to fit it into my schedule, but I'm making it a priority. I really enjoy seeing myself improve and competing against the computer and the kids.

I am feeling more energetic and definitely more at ease in my body, despite it's lumps and bumps. My libido has increased quite a least double what it used to be...which was a big fat zero.

I've lost 6 pounds so far without even dieting really...just eating normal over the holidays. I've lost an inch on my waist and an inch off my a half or quarter inch everywhere else, except my bust.

Yesterday I started tracking my calorie intake again in an effort to increase my fiber and decrease the fat and sugar. I'm hit or miss with my vitamins, but just the increase I've had, I'm sure is helpful. I haven't made a true effort to lose weight in over 3 I'm feeling good about getting back to work.

My goal is to get my BMI to 30 or under by my birthday on April 24th. For the first time in a year I feel like it's really possible. I'm so very grateful to be seeing a doctor who specializes in the thyroid and took my dose from .075 to .175 ...that's a huge jump. He's old I'm worried he won't be around for a long time. I don't know what I'll do then.

Alrighty then...that' all for now. Be back in a month or so...unless something new develops between now and then.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well, as of today I am up to 150 mcg of synthroid daily. I've been taking my temperature in the mornings and I'm up to 97.5 as my average. That's a far cry from the 96.7s I was seeing before I started seeing this doctor. I'm getting closer to the goal of 97.8 to 98.0 and I'm so grateful. I am starting to feel a little better. I have a bit more energy and I'm sleeping a little more soundly.

I've not had any weight loss, despite my best efforts...but I'm sure it will come in time. I hope by Christmas I'll be up to the right temperature and feeling better than I have in a long time. Of course, I'll not feel my best until I get the extra weight off. That probably slows me down a bit.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just an Update

Well, I've been increasing my dosage every 10-12 days. I've noticed my neck, in my thyroid area, seems to be less swollen.

Other than that I'm exhausted...I suspect that has to do with the crazy busy schedule I'm keeping. I'm having a hard time getting to bed on time and then a hard time getting up. I've been eating very poorly and not drinking my water since Monday, so I'm sure that has something to do with it too.

I work till 2pm today. Then I have a job interview today, trunk or treat at church and I need to bake 2 dozen cupcakes for Carissa's class party tomorrow. After 3pm tomorrow things slow down a little bit. Thank goodness. So my plan is to get back to eating more healthy and drinking my water and lifting weights on Saturday. I think with the dosage I'm on, I should start seeing a difference soon.

Okay...of to make some study cards for my interview. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nothing New

Well, I'm not sure I can tell much of a difference on 88 mcg. I take it until Friday and then I can go up to 100 mcg.

I'm still taking my vitamins...but have been adding carbs and junk back into my diet. I'm staying within a healthy calorie range though. I should lose 1.5 pounds per week eating the number of calories I am. And until the thyroid gets under control, that may mean I lose nothing. But at least I'll be ready when it is all within normal ranges.

My morning temperatures are still in the 97s. Once a week...usually on the day I sleep in I end up hitting in the 98 degree range. I can't wait until that's everyday!

I still wake up tired...and by the afternoon, early evening I'm exhausted. I'll be so thrilled when I can go a whole day and feel good...or wake up feeling rested and refreshed rather than exhausted and run down.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A good day....

Today was a good day all in all. I'm still tweaking what I want to do as an eating program, but I did really well today and can't complain much.

I'm anxious for the day when 4-5 o'clock comes and I'm not utterly exhausted. As with most things life...the things worth anything are worth waiting for and working for!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fat Flush Plan

Well, that didn't last long! The FF Plan was just a might to constrictive for me. Surprise, surprise....I did well for a week I think I got benefits from it regardless. I'm going to stick with some of it's the lemon juice in the morning, the vitamins and higher protein and less processed foods. I think making those changes will be helpful.

I've been walking two days in a row and the plantar fascitis is acting up badly.

I'm not going to let it get me down though.

No big surprise either that the 3 days I've been on a higher dose of thyroid meds hasn't made any difference in how I feel...I may not see a big difference there for weeks! Patience is a virtue I'm still trying to acquire!