Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The book I read...The Thyroid Hormone Breakthrough

I went to the library after work yesterday...I checked out the books I could find about thyroid disorders. Of those, this one is the best...the others are all out of date and are still saying 5.0 is the high for TSH.

I cannot believe how much I didn't know. And to post it all here would take me all night. I have a hundred and one symptoms that point to Hashimoto's. I had no idea that all of these symptoms went back to this disease! I'm flabbergasted!

I made it through the book in record time. I've made a list of supplements I need to be taking and the amounts and compared to my One Day for Women's Health...I'm not even at half for 95% of them...despite the bottle saying 100%. So I'm going to need to revamp my supplement intake.

I also visited her website at work and found where she says as a person suffering with Hashimotos I need to cut back on sugars and carbs and increase my lean protein and whole grains and fruits and veggies.

Exercise is a must if I am to lose the weight...even once Dr. Devries changes my meds.

She talks about the delicate string of hormones that run through a woman's body and likens it to a string of Christmas lights. If one goes awry all the others can darken. I have to be vigilant with my testing until I find something that works and I'm very hopeful Dr. Devries will help get me there.

I got to the end of the book and this quote made me cry:

"What we do deserve is information, careful consideration from our practitioners, safe and effective relief of troublesome symptoms whenever possible, and someone who WANTS to understand the bigger picture so that we can live and feel well into our senior citizenhood!"

I added the emphasis...not a single doctor ever suggested there could be something causing my hypothyroidism. That this underlying cause has it's own symptoms that can be treated. No one ever bothered to test anything but TSH and total T4...a far cry from thorough testing to say the least. Only one of those doctors ever helped me achieve feelings of health and well being.

What a bunch of wasted money...wasted effort...wasted time. So many tears shed. So many feelings of no self-worth, so many efforts to step up my game with exercise and diet to no avail. And all of it could have been solved if I just had a competent doctor willing to listen and work with me!

Again, I repeat....I can't wait until Monday!!!!

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