Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Over due update...

Well, I've not done an update in a while.

I have good news and bad...bad news first: My insurance changed at the end of 2008 and my doctor doesn't accept it. That said, they'll take I'm paying out of pocket to see him. Luckily it will be maybe 3-4 times this year. So it won't be that bad.

The good news is that I'm now up to synthroid 175. I was on 150 for a couple months before I went to see him this week. I saw him on Monday and he was very pleased with my progress.

I had noticed myself that I get hot a lot more than I ever used to. I was always cold. I can also tell a noticeable difference in my neck. I had an obvious, but small, goiter at the base of my neck. It's virtually gone now...all that's left is the fat I need to lose. When he examined it, he said there is still some slight enlargement but with the increase to 175 and given a few months it should completely disappear. WOOHOO!!

I've worked out 10 of the last 14 days. It would have been more, but I was sick for two of the 4 I missed. The Wii fit is a God send for me. Now that we're all back to work it's a challenge to fit it into my schedule, but I'm making it a priority. I really enjoy seeing myself improve and competing against the computer and the kids.

I am feeling more energetic and definitely more at ease in my body, despite it's lumps and bumps. My libido has increased quite a least double what it used to be...which was a big fat zero.

I've lost 6 pounds so far without even dieting really...just eating normal over the holidays. I've lost an inch on my waist and an inch off my a half or quarter inch everywhere else, except my bust.

Yesterday I started tracking my calorie intake again in an effort to increase my fiber and decrease the fat and sugar. I'm hit or miss with my vitamins, but just the increase I've had, I'm sure is helpful. I haven't made a true effort to lose weight in over 3 I'm feeling good about getting back to work.

My goal is to get my BMI to 30 or under by my birthday on April 24th. For the first time in a year I feel like it's really possible. I'm so very grateful to be seeing a doctor who specializes in the thyroid and took my dose from .075 to .175 ...that's a huge jump. He's old I'm worried he won't be around for a long time. I don't know what I'll do then.

Alrighty then...that' all for now. Be back in a month or so...unless something new develops between now and then.

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