Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Appointment with Dr. Devries on 9/29

I have high hopes as I drive the hour to get there. I wait a long time in the lobby reading a book about King Henry I. I figure it's worth it if he delivers!

I leave the office after a battery of tests including palpation of the thyroid, listening with the stethocope, checking reflexes, blood pressure etc. And lots and lots of questions!

He draws my blood himself!

He is sure I have Hashimotos which complicates simple hypothyroidism. Solution: Draw blood, see you on Monday!

He is an old, sweet man....he's smoked all his life and drank coffee too. Go figure.

He listens to my every complaint. I show him prethyroid problem pictures from 2003 / early 2004 and pictures from this past March. I tell him I just want to feel good...I want to get this weight off, but nothing works etc.

He is sympathetic and very kind. He tells me about his experiences and how he got into thyroid issues...he has them, his wife, his daughter. She had trouble conceiving. They checked her thyroid, started her on a good plan and she had a baby within a year.

He shows me a diagram illustrating the difference between simple hypothyroism and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. He has convinced me I have it...and he seems convinced too. We draw blood to do a battery of tests including T4, TSH and antibodies. He says he doesn't bother to test T3 right off, since if antibodies are present he knows there is no T3 so the antibody test confirms that for him.

I can't wait until Monday!!!

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