Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dr. Devries Reviews

His reviews on the database say:

Robert DeVries, MD, Family medicine physician, 214 368 6197, SW corner of Preston and Forest. "A friendly and interesting fellow, he was a researcher in endocrine and fertility issues who now does medicine in private practice. He is hypothyroid himself, as is his wife, so he is very current on the issue and sympathetic as well. His office manager/receptionist is kinda wacky, but just let it slide. He listens well and uses quality labs for his blood work. From the Netherlands originally, his accent is a bit thick, but he has been in Texas for 30 years and speaks perfect English. I feel very safe in his hands." Submission thanks to the Moonlady News endocrine list)

Another reader adds:
"A friendly and interesting fellow, he was a researcher in endocrine and fertility issues who now does medicine in private practice. He is hypothyroid himself, as is his wife, so he is very current on the issue and sympathetic as well. His office manager/receptionist Debbie, is very refreshing and in control of the office, she is a extremely capable Manager, who usually has multiple tasks in process at once, she is very friendly, you simply must visit with her and get to know her. Dr. DeVries listens well and uses quality labs for his blood work. From the Netherlands originally, his accent is still noticeable, but he has been in Texas for 30 years and speaks perfect English. My condition is noticeably improving whereas to last MD I went to (for a year) did not have any success." (Added 11/02)

More praise from a reader for Dr. DeVries:
"After 13 yrs. of being ignored and told I had to live with the effects of hypothyroid because a stupid piece of paper said my T4 was in normal range, I have found this wonderful human who is a doctor that will treat me as a person and not that piece of paper. He is a God send." (added 1/04)

Another fan:
"I was undiagnosed for 4 years. He completed a 90 minute health history and head to toe exam. He has sure I had Hashimotos , but the blood tests revealed hypothyroidism. He is kind, compassionate, a good listener, loves people and medicine. He believes you should listen to the patient because they know their body." (Added 1/06)

More praise:
"Dr. DeVries is the one to go to in Dallas if you have Hashimoto's. Thyroid disease is his passion (he attends international endocrinology conferences). He diagnoses not only with blood tests but with the Heel Reflex Response used by physicians long before blood tests were available (If you're not getting enough thyroid in your system, there will be a subtle reduction in your foot's response to the mallet--just like the test ALL doctors do on your knee to see if your leg "kicks" in response). He will give you Synthroid samples to take, telling you to increase the dosage every two weeks until you start to feel symptoms of getting too much--rather than ONLY relying on blood tests. (He believes in prescribing Synthroid because of quality control issues with Armour and generics.) He also understands the complexities of T3 and T4 balance. After having to BEG my previous doctor for an increase in my 25mcg Synthroid prescription, I was relieved to find a doctor who takes my SYMPTOMS into account as well as my TSH level (now almost zero, which doesn't bother him in the least!). Dr. DeVries even increased me from 175 mcg to 200 mcg just to get my cholesterol level down some more. He orders a FULL range of blood tests, but takes most insurance plans. Though he's listed as a family practice physician, he doesn't do gynecological exams or examine young children, so you'll need to go elsewhere for those. But if you're infertile from hormonal (not physical) problems, I would recommend him over a reproductive endocrinologist." (October 2006)

More input:
I just want to give a great feedback on Dr. DeVries, I read the good feedbacks in this website but once I met him my life changed, no one understood my conditions as well as he does and I felt I was in good hands, after he examined me I gain strength I was able to do my shores at home. I have hypothyroidism and I feel weak depressed but after I met him I felt much much better. I definitely recommend him."(August 2007)

A reader writes:
"Robert A.C. DeVries, M.D., PhD., has been my internist and endocrinologist since 1992. Dr. DeVries is a highly compassionate practitioner who cares deeply about his patients. His "old world" medical schooling (he is from Holland and received his first medical degree from The University of Amsterdam) is most apparent in his approach to his patients. Dr. DeVries know medications/drugs better than some pharmacist because, as a medical doctor in Holland, he had to learn to compound medications for his patients who lived too far away from a chemist (pharmacy). He is a naturally affable man who can diagnose illness by talking to and LISTENING intently to his patients (something most doctors do NOT do), examining them and then, at least in my case, has been proven correct by empirical tests. Dr. DeVries tries to give samples of a medication as opposed to prescribing it to help the patient defray the cost of the drug, in case it does not work or is inappropriate. Once it is decided that the medication works, he will then write a proper scrip for the drug. Until fairly recently, whenever I was admitted to the hospital where he has physician rights, whether or not he was on call, he would come to visit me every evening in the hospital, look over my charts and reassure me as only he has ever been able to do. Pressing family matters have caused him to discontinue his hospital visits, however, he always refers his in-hospital patients to physicians he trust. So far, they have been extremely competent and reliable, though they don't have his personality or his gentle assurances. I have recommended him to many friends and acquaintances and, without exception, he has helped them all in finding out their problems. He is honest and forthright, and if he feels he cannot handle your particular medical problem, Dr. DeVries will refer you to another physician he knows and trust (quite often his own personal physicians). I cannot say enough about what a kind, caring pe" (Added October 2007)

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